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This layer is the waste collection boundary with the added attribute of a collection date for each boundary\n\nPrimary key: nan\nForeign key: nan", "geometryType": "esriGeometryPolygon", "sourceSpatialReference": { "wkid": 26917, "latestWkid": 26917, "xyTolerance": 0.001, "zTolerance": 0.001, "mTolerance": 0.001, "falseX": -5120900, "falseY": -9998100, "xyUnits": 10000, "falseZ": -100000, "zUnits": 10000, "falseM": -100000, "mUnits": 10000 }, "copyrightText": "Owned by: SDE\nManaged by: Operations - Environmental Services", "parentLayer": null, "subLayers": [], "minScale": 0, "maxScale": 0, "referenceScale": 0.0, "drawingInfo": { "renderer": { "type": "simple", "symbol": { "type": "esriSFS", "style": "esriSFSSolid", "color": [ 252, 186, 206, 255 ], "outline": { "type": "esriSLS", "style": "esriSLSSolid", "color": [ 110, 110, 110, 255 ], "width": 0.7 } } }, "scaleSymbols": true, "transparency": 0, "labelingInfo": null }, "defaultVisibility": true, "extent": { "xmin": 325905.3446000004, 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