{ "culture": "en-US", "name": "", "guid": "", "catalogPath": "", "snippet": "Polyline feature defining the road network for the city.", "description": "Services: TransportationLayersEIS and MappMyCity\nScripts: street_centreline_update.py\nNotes: The inventory of streets with their location information is maintained by IMS in the Hansen database. The line features for the location of the streets are maintained by the IMS staff in an AutoCAD drawing. The GIS team then converts this AutoCAD drawing to a feature layer in their SDE so it can be used in a published web service. This layer is updated upon request by Geomatics using a python script. The layer is used in the custom intersection geo-locator tool by the Geomatics team and published to the Enterprise server as a locator service to use in internal web applications.\n\nPrimary key: COMPKEY\nForeign key: nan", "summary": "Polyline feature defining the road network for the city.", "title": "Street_Centreline_Table_Join", "tags": [], "type": "", "typeKeywords": [], "thumbnail": "", "url": "", "minScale": "NaN", "maxScale": "NaN", "spatialReference": "", "accessInformation": "Owned by: Hansen\nManaged by: Operations - IMS", "licenseInfo": "", "portalUrl": "" }