Description: Services: MappMyCity
Scripts: None
Notes: This layer was intially created by Geomatics based on an excel sheet of addresses where prohibited objects have been found by Waste Collection Crews. The Environmental Services department keeps record of active suspeneded addresses as well as what level and type of waste suspension the address is subject to. It is updated upon request by Geomatics after receiving an email notification via the mappmycity email inbox.
Primary key: nan
Foreign key: nan
Description: Services: MappMyCity
Scripts: None
Notes: This layer was intially created by Geomatics based on an excel sheet of addresses where prohibited objects have been found by Waste Collection Crews. The Environmental Services department keeps record of active suspeneded addresses as well as what level and type of waste suspension the address is subject to. It is updated upon request by Geomatics after receiving an email notification via the mappmycity email inbox.
Primary key: nan
Foreign key: nan
Description: Services: MappMyCity
Scripts: None
Notes: This layer was intially created by Geomatics based on an excel sheet of addresses where prohibited objects have been found by Waste Collection Crews. The Environmental Services department keeps record of active suspeneded addresses as well as what level and type of waste suspension the address is subject to. It is updated upon request by Geomatics after receiving an email notification via the mappmycity email inbox.
Primary key: nan
Foreign key: nan
Description: Services: MappMyCity
Scripts: None
Notes: This layer was intially created by Geomatics based on an excel sheet of addresses where prohibited objects have been found by Waste Collection Crews. The Environmental Services department keeps record of active suspeneded addresses as well as what level and type of waste suspension the address is subject to. It is updated upon request by Geomatics after receiving an email notification via the mappmycity email inbox.
Primary key: nan
Foreign key: nan
Description: Services: MappMyCity
Scripts: None
Notes: This layer was intially created by Geomatics based on an excel sheet of addresses where prohibited objects have been found by Waste Collection Crews. The Environmental Services department keeps record of active suspeneded addresses as well as what level and type of waste suspension the address is subject to. It is updated upon request by Geomatics after receiving an email notification via the mappmycity email inbox.
Primary key: nan
Foreign key: nan
Description: Services: MappMyCity
Scripts: None
Notes: This layer was intially created by Geomatics based on an excel sheet of addresses where prohibited objects have been found by Waste Collection Crews. The Environmental Services department keeps record of active suspeneded addresses as well as what level and type of waste suspension the address is subject to. It is updated upon request by Geomatics after receiving an email notification via the mappmycity email inbox.
Primary key: nan
Foreign key: nan
Description: Services: MappMyCity
Scripts: None
Notes: This layer was intially created by Geomatics based on an excel sheet of addresses where prohibited objects have been found by Waste Collection Crews. The Environmental Services department keeps record of active suspeneded addresses as well as what level and type of waste suspension the address is subject to. It is updated upon request by Geomatics after receiving an email notification via the mappmycity email inbox.
Primary key: nan
Foreign key: nan
Description: Services: MappMyCity
Scripts: None
Notes: This layer was intially created by Geomatics based on an excel sheet of addresses where prohibited objects have been found by Waste Collection Crews. The Environmental Services department keeps record of active suspeneded addresses as well as what level and type of waste suspension the address is subject to. It is updated upon request by Geomatics after receiving an email notification via the mappmycity email inbox.
Primary key: nan
Foreign key: nan
Description: Services: MappMyCity
Scripts: None
Notes: This layer was intially created by Geomatics based on an excel sheet of addresses where prohibited objects have been found by Waste Collection Crews. The Environmental Services department keeps record of active suspeneded addresses as well as what level and type of waste suspension the address is subject to. It is updated upon request by Geomatics after receiving an email notification via the mappmycity email inbox.
Primary key: nan
Foreign key: nan
Description: Services: MappMyCity
Scripts: None
Notes: This layer was intially created by Geomatics based on an excel sheet of addresses where prohibited objects have been found by Waste Collection Crews. The Environmental Services department keeps record of active suspeneded addresses as well as what level and type of waste suspension the address is subject to. It is updated upon request by Geomatics after receiving an email notification via the mappmycity email inbox.
Primary key: nan
Foreign key: nan
Description: Services: PropertyLayersEIS
Notes: The points are created and maintained by the Geomatics GIS team. The points represent unique addresses that exist on a parcel in the City as their own unique records. For example a building with two units would be represented as two individual records for tax and mailing purposes. The unique addresses layer is produced and updated by the Geomatics GIS team weekly with a python script so that it can be published and used in web services. The layer is used in the custom address locator geo-locator tool by the Geomatics team and published to the Enterprise server as a locator service to use in internal web applications.
Primary key: PROPERTYRSN
Foreign key: nan
Color: [0, 0, 0, 255] Background Color: N/A Outline Color: N/A Vertical Alignment: bottom Horizontal Alignment: left Right to Left: false Angle: 0 XOffset: 0 YOffset: 0 Size: 10 Font Family: Arial Font Style: normal Font Weight: normal Font Decoration: none
Description: Services: TransportationLayersEIS and MappMyCity
Notes: The inventory of streets with their location information is maintained by IMS in the Hansen database. The line features for the location of the streets are maintained by the IMS staff in an AutoCAD drawing. The GIS team then converts this AutoCAD drawing to a feature layer in their SDE so it can be used in a published web service. This layer is updated upon request by Geomatics using a python script. The layer is used in the custom intersection geo-locator tool by the Geomatics team and published to the Enterprise server as a locator service to use in internal web applications.
Primary key: COMPKEY
Foreign key: nan
Color: [0, 0, 0, 255] Background Color: N/A Outline Color: N/A Vertical Alignment: bottom Horizontal Alignment: left Right to Left: false Angle: 0 XOffset: 0 YOffset: 0 Size: 10 Font Family: Arial Font Style: normal Font Weight: normal Font Decoration: none
Description: Services: MappMyCity
Scripts: None
Notes: The Waste Collection Boundary polgyons are defined and used by Environmental services to track waste collection schedules for different areas in the City by collection crews. The Geomatics department updates the boundaries on an annual basis or requested.
Primary key: nan
Foreign key: nan
Color: [0, 0, 0, 255] Background Color: N/A Outline Color: N/A Vertical Alignment: bottom Horizontal Alignment: left Right to Left: false Angle: 0 XOffset: 0 YOffset: 0 Size: 18 Font Family: Arial Font Style: normal Font Weight: normal Font Decoration: none